Category News
OISA X Officialeague Purple Cord restock has arrived
2023 Shredwell Scholarship Application
The application for the 2023 is now available. Deadline for submittal is Midnight PDT May 15, 2023. The Oregon Interscholastic Snowboard Association (OISA) started the Shredwell Scholarship in 2011 toassist an outstanding graduating senior going to college. Our scholarship award…
New Site Feature! User Submitted Gallery
Official League x Oregon Interdimensional Snowboard Agency restock pre-sale links.
2022 Hiefield Scholarship Application
The 2022 Hiefield Scholarship applications are available. Application The Hiefield Scholarship is a complimentary season pass to Mt Hood Meadows awarded to two Oregon Interscholastic Snowboard Association (OISA) students who have and will continue to exemplify the best qualities of…
2022-2023 Registration is open
OISA Fall General & Advisor Clinic 1
OISA will be hosting it’s annual Fall General meeting as well as an Advisor Clinic on Saturday October 8th at 9:30AM at The McMenamins Kennedy School. Hope to see you there.
OISA Head Coach Postion
NOW HIRING: OISA Head Coach With long time OISA Head Coach JD moving away, OISA is in need an organization wide head coach. This is a paid position and can be performed concurrently with any team coaching duties. Position Description…