Coach Clinic #3
Coaches must attend 1 Clinic per season. We will have 3 options this year, one in person in Portland, Government Camp and a streaming clinic. Coach Clinic 3 Sunday, December 11th 3pm Ratskeller Government Camp
Coaches must attend 1 Clinic per season. We will have 3 options this year, one in person in Portland, Government Camp and a streaming clinic. Coach Clinic 3 Sunday, December 11th 3pm Ratskeller Government Camp
Coaches must attend 1 Clinic per season. We will have 3 options this year, one in person in Portland, Government Camp and a streaming clinic. –> STREAMING LINK <– Coach Clinic 2 – Streamed Sunday, December 4th 12pm 12550…
Coaches must attend 1 Clinic per season. We will have 3 options this year, one in person in Portland, Government Camp and a streaming clinic. Coach Clinic 1 Monday, November 28th 7pm McMenamins Kennedy School Community Room