The 2022 Inaugural OISA Method Madness Tournament

After sorting through almost a thousand photos from OISA State 2022 one thing became pretty clear, riders from the Pacific Northwest continue to have the best methods in snowboarding*. It became apparent we needed to showcase our riders and while we donโ€™t have the entire framework for how this tournament is going to work in place, we didnโ€™t want to delay in making an announcement. These 64 photos are going to be randomly sorted into a #MethodMadness bracket and weโ€™re going to have a head to head tournament on the OISA Instagram channel until we crown a Best Method at OISA State 2022. Maybe weโ€™ll find some prizes to give out along the way but regardless weโ€™re going to crown an OISA King or Queen of the Method.

  *look at these pictures and tell me Iโ€™m wrong
