Link to Results

*** Click Here for Results & Run Orders *** The above link takes you to You can find the events for your league there. Results are posted live for Banked Slalom & Boardercross events and posted after the judges…
*** Click Here for Results & Run Orders *** The above link takes you to You can find the events for your league there. Results are posted live for Banked Slalom & Boardercross events and posted after the judges…
The new score keeping software it almost ready for action and the next major step is getting everybody familiarized with it. To do so we’ve scheduled the scorekeepers clinic for next Tuesday, January 8th at the TVF&R Station 58 in…
FINAL COACH CLINIC 12/13 6 – 8 p.m. Smith Optics/Safilo 220se MLK Jr. Blvd (Evo parking lot) Use South side entrance, take elevator to 3rd floor.
Our next getting ready for the season activity is the registration packet drop off, volunteer & coaches clinics on Saturday December 1st at Boys & Girls Club Rockwood facility. Details for Registration/Orientation Day on Saturday, December 1 Rockwood Boys &…
Good morning and congratulations to the following winners of the Hiefield Scholarship!!! MHM Season Pass to: Drew Dawson-Hurley, Canby HS Carlos D’Alvarez, Lincoln HS $50 MHM Gift Card to: Carmen Donnerberg, Wilson HS Nicholas Kittredge, Mountainside HS Zoe Nunez, Lincoln…
Good evening everyone! We’re happy to announce that the OISA competition calendar for the 2019 season has been set. As usual, these dates are set at the whim of our friend the mountain, so there’s a chance something will be…
A heads up to folks looking to pick up some well loved gear from other OISA athletes. 14th Annual East Side High School Ski and Snowboard swap will be on November 10. We will be selling snowboards, boots, bindings, and…
Greetings all, here’s the information about To The Roots Coffee () fundraising discussed at the Fall General Meeting. OISA Coffee Fundraising PDF Packet Many thanks go out to Nathan at To The Roots for his continued support of…
Our Forms Page has been updated with new forms for the upcoming season. You can also get the latest forms right here. 2018-19 OISA Team Registration 2018-19 OISA Coach Registration Packet 2018-19 OISA Rider Registration Packet IMPORTANT: Please do not…
The application for the 2018 Hiefield Scholarship application is now available here. It’s a great opportunity to win a Mt Hood Meadows season pass. Return completed application and attachment to by midnight, Friday, October 19, 2018. Two winners will…