Category News

To The Roots Coffee fundraiser documents

Greetings all, here’s the information about To The Roots Coffee () fundraising discussed at the Fall General Meeting.   OISA Coffee Fundraising PDF Packet   Many thanks go out to Nathan at To The Roots for his continued support of…

2018-19 Forms Available Now

Our Forms Page has been updated with new forms for the upcoming season. You can also get the latest forms right here. 2018-19 OISA Team Registration 2018-19 OISA Coach Registration Packet 2018-19 OISA Rider Registration Packet IMPORTANT: Please do not…

2018 Hiefield Scholarship Application Available

The application for the 2018 Hiefield Scholarship application is now available here. It’s a great opportunity to win a Mt Hood Meadows season pass. Return completed application and attachment to by midnight, Friday, October 19, 2018. Two winners will…

Gorge Performance Swag Raffle

Hey everyone, Gorge Performance has posted the winning raffle tickets on their website here. The numbers in that photo are a little hard to read, so here’s the list. [ezcol_1fifth] 484561 484563 484569 484573 078396 484577 484585 484589 484593 078390…